An overview of all contents in Preference Test results
You analyze the results of your Preference Test study through different views, each providing a different lense for looking at your data. Here's a brief summary of all contents of the Results:
The overview tab serves for quickly checking on the state of your study. It shows you things like the number of respondents, how long it takes the respondents to complete the study.
The respondents tab lists all of your responents and allows you to view all the details of their participation (personal details, questionnaire answers, task answer, etc.). You can also filter your respondents or select which ones should be included in the analysis.
In the export tab, you can generate a custom PDF export of your study results that can include anything that you see in the web results. You can also create CSV exports for external data analysis.
The share tab is where you can set up access to the results of your study to people outside of your team.
Shows your a breakdown of answers to your questionnaires.
Task Statistics
Shows you a breakdown of how respondents completed each task.
Respondents can leave comments throughought the entire study. Here you will find a summary of people's comments.