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Usability Testing Template

In this guide we’ve gathered some useful usability testing templates to help you with your next study.

Author: Marek Strba

Reviewed by: Marek Strba

Last update 11.10.2023

We know how hard it can be to organize a usability testing study and make sure that everything goes according to plan. However, UX research should not be a stressful task for anyone. 

We did some digging and found a couple of great usability testing templates for you to follow, so that you don’t have to kill time trying to recreate what’s already been done.

Why do you need a usability testing template?

usability testing template

During a usability testing study there’s always so much information to deal with. You have to remember to follow the plan, communicate with the participants in the right way and analyze loads of results in the most effective way possible. 

With all that going on, having a usability testing template prepared for your study could save you and your teammates tons of precious time and nerves. When you have a clear template to follow it becomes easier to focus on your primary goals and saves you from reinventing the wheel.

Of course, there are different use cases when it comes to conducting a usability testing study and sometimes you’ll even need to improvise on the spot. However, most of the studies follow the same framework and steps so there’s nothing wrong with copying it and saving your time.

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Usability testing template

We’ve prepared 4 different templates that you can download and use in your next usability testing study, all for different purposes: a usability testing plan, script, setup and a report.

Usability testing plan template

The first one we’ve picked is an extensive usability testing plan template created by industry leaders from Usability.gov. It’s a document that you can download and adapt to fit your own study. It covers everything from methodologies and goals to roles of your teammates, tasks and results analysis by severity. 

Grab the template here👈

If you’re interested in creating a shorter version of the usability testing plan we have a whole page dedicated to what you should include in it.

Checklist for Planning Usability Studies

Not a template but a great checklist from NN/Group that you can follow to make sure you get the most out of your research. It includes 9 main points you need to follow when setting up your test and is very helpful, especially for the ones who are just starting with usability testing.

Grab the checklist here👈

usaability testing template

Usability testing script template

Another useful template, except this one you can use for in-person or remote moderated usability studies. You can download a PDF or Word version of everything you need to say to participants during the study and alter it to your own needs. The template was created by Steve Krug.

Grab the script template here👈

Usability testing report template

Having a comprehensive PDF report of your study is essential, especially if you’re planning on presenting your findings to someone. For remote usability testing sessions you’re probably using a usability testing tool that can generate those for you. 

At UXtweak, you can create custom PDF reports with the results of your study analysis in just one click. Check out how it looks by the link below.

Grab a PDF report template👈

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